***Top Neuroscientist Warns: "This Toxic Mineral Is Behind 99.98% Of Memory Loss in Seniors."***
Why is nobody mentioning the fact that the Hawaiian Kingdom has been occupied by the USA military since Jan 16, 1893 and that we are not the 50th state? Lahaina was the original capitol of the Hawaiian Kingdom before moving to the big island then to Oahu where the palace sits today. All those who think that they own land in Hawaii like Oprah do not and cannot own land in my country. Soon the US military will be forced to comply to the laws of occupation and the truth will be known by all.
-https://t.me/BestNewsHereWe were in the UN arbitration in 1999/2000 settling this matter. We took 23 years to educate our people and the world of the truth. Our official acting government page can be found at hawaiiankingdom dot org. Due diligence is in order folks!