Juan O' Savin & David Nino: Exclusive: Where Are We Now? (Video) - best news here

Juan O’ Savin & David Nino: Exclusive: Where Are We Now? (Video)

Juan is walking the walk. Confusing at times but JUAN always pulls it back to real life. Stop following the ILLUSIONS and make it REAL. We are all tasked with finding our way through this crisis this “Near Death Experience”. A couple of ways to do this is by staying on your own home turf. Praying “the right way”.

Giving some of your thought time to asking God for your specific Mission. Look to the Bible and see what God Guides you to do… Body Mind and Soul. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. So much of life is Foundational. 


What is it that we can form a foundation with? Others on our same Path. This may not be simple. But I am sure.. the winnowing of the world around you has already started.

Loss of Friends, Loved ones. Isolation Fear.. uncertainty. Juan tries to give you ways to bring your mind around to Positivity. Look to the History of Nineveh in the Bible he suggests the story of JONAH. And remember FAITH over FEAR…

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