Joe Biden Abuses Young Girls- The content is strictly for adults and may also disturb the reader - best news here

Joe Biden Abuses Young Girls- The content is strictly for adults and may also disturb the reader

Cancelled Eye Specialist Reveals “7 Second Ritual” To Restore Perfect 20/20 Vision

I can not confirm this video is 100% legit, however, I can assure you there is much worse out there. #BuckleUp #SocialConditioning #TheBigGuy

McEnany: Even CNN knows things are bad

You Are Fake News

The Poison Pill

Shareholder Suicide: Twitter Board Votes on “Poison Pill” Strategy to Thwart Elon Musk’s Takeover “Twitter just announced that its board has unanimously voted to adopt what’s called a shareholders’ rights plan. The move is in direct response to Elon. The rights will become exercisable if an entity, person, or group acquires beneficial ownership of 15% or more of Twitter’s outstanding common stock in a transaction not approved by the Board. [If Elon acquires 15% of Twitter], all other shareholders would immediately be able to purchase shares at a discounted price, [which] would result in Elon shares potentially being diluted so much that they’re devalued.”


Twitter Board Adopts “Poison Pill” To Thwart Musk Takeover, Exposing Itself To “Titanic” Legal Liability

Titanic you say? Titanic or the Olympic sunk on April 15th and that’s also tax day. We all know what happened during that false flag. #FederalReserve

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