***Top Neuroscientist Warns: "This Toxic Mineral Is Behind 99.98% Of Memory Loss in Seniors."***
In this interview Dr Bryan Ardis discusses the effective natural treatments for those that have taken the vaccination highlighting how to get the poison out of the body. The treatment he suggests are AC selenium, apple pectin powder, and vitamin C at 5000 milligrams a day.
The body knows how to fight off the poison and through these treatments it gives the body that extra boost it needs.
Dr Bryan Ardis is a retired chiropractic and nutritionist. Currently he is the CEO of ArdisLabs and host of the Dr. Ardis Show.
-https://t.me/BestNewsHereHe is passionate about exposing the corruption in the medical system and educating others about the truth of medical treatments available. Dr Bryan Ardis has done extensive research into the COVID 19 vaccinations and the treatment protocols. In his findings he highlights how the Remdesivir drug is not an effective treatment for COVID 19 exposing that when this drug has been considered “safe and effective” 30 to 50 percent of patients entered into kidney failure soon after taking it.
Further he draws connection between venom, COVID 19 and the water. The undeniable evidence of the medical and government corruption lead Dr Ardis to become an avert researcher and a voice for people. He is currently working with a number of attorneys and other medical professionals to educate the population and take down the tyranny in the medical system.