AFTER YOU WATCH THIS LATE-BREAKING VIDEO, Watch ‘Special May 18 Broadcast! Juan O’savin Decode! What A Tangled Web They Weave! The 7 Deadly Sins Of Jan6!’ – Right Below This Video!
Take a GOOD LOOK at some FRESH BOMBSHELL INTEL from DEREK JOHNSON in this fantastic video! GITMO! “We Set Them Up!” Trump Decodes and CNN Town Hall COMMS – and so much more! This LATE-BREAKING interview will clear the air and settle any misconceptions about WHO IS REALLY IN CHARGE! BQQM!
What aren’t you being told about facts surround January 6th? Why is the J6 committee not allowing certain witnesses to be heard? Why are they presenting a “show” rather than uncovering Truth? Why were Gov’t agents in the crowd on J6? Why have six Capitol Officers committed suicide following Jan 6th?Why did Pelosi and others refuse offers of National Guard help when they knew millions were coming to Washington DC?