And We Know: Revolution! Truth! Awake! Biden Gun Comms 6-11! Pelosi Ugh! New Government? Russia! immorality Called Out, Pray! - (Video) - best news here

And We Know: Revolution! Truth! Awake! Biden Gun Comms 6-11! Pelosi Ugh! New Government? Russia! immorality Called Out, Pray! – (Video)

Cancelled Eye Specialist Reveals “7 Second Ritual” To Restore Perfect 20/20 Vision

There is NO CALL for revenge. There is a call for RETRIUBUTION underlining ACCOUNTABILITY. These words do not mean the same thing. All you PEDOS, TRAITORS, CHILD MOLESTERS, CHEATERS, INVADERS, bastards against HUMANITY will be sought out and found. LET JUSTICE BE SERVED.

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. Psalm 46:1-3

Why is it always the “Russians” and no one else? It’s been “the Russians” since the late 1950′s and this has gotten SO OLD and no one believes it!


Depopulation and control of the human population has been a wet dream of the globalists and their associated secret societies for generations. In 2019, they were poised to destroy up to 90% of the human population but their plot was foiled primarily by one man, Trump. They are still trying to convince people to take their vaccines and boosters, although current efforts are not succeeding. Still, these people, these certifiable psychopaths will not quit until physically removed from their positions of power. The white hat alliance is working on the final solution.

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