***Top Neuroscientist Warns: "This Toxic Mineral Is Behind 99.98% Of Memory Loss in Seniors."***
As a human being it is absolutely disgraceful to see these evil doers play such a foolish game with the existence of all earth souls. This is an outrage!
I don’t sleep much. This has been true for 25 years. I spend a lot of my awake time doing research. I also have significant experience in emergency operations. I can tell you all that there has been no time in the last 25 years when I have felt we were closer to a major worldwide conflict. Even if it stays in the Middle East, which is unlikely at this point, the economic impact on the western nations will be staggering. War is coming. The US regime is telling us at least part of what they’re doing. And what they are CLEARLY saying is that they’re preparing for war. So, so should we. If you’re not squared away yet, you should get that way, now. Like, right now. Be ready for a 4 week camping trip. Even if you never leave your house. Prepare for now power, no running water, no sewer, and no comms for at least 30 days. If you have that in order, you might be okay. If you live in a densely populated area, or near any kind of military installation, you should be packed and ready to leave with 15 minutes notice. Set up rally points on 24 hour intervals with your loved ones, tribe, team members, whatever…..if comms go down. Plan those rally points realistically. As in, if you don’t have a vehicle anymore and you need to proceed on/in something slower for transportation. Good luck!