SGAnon Drop Intel January 2023!! – Must Video
GCR will be the final nail in the Kazarions aka Cainanites aka Jesuits aka Boliviacs aka Masons aka Skull & Bones! How? – Their army of paid shills can do nothing with the bribes/payouts they received… – They’re be absolutely no way to pay out any illegal promised payments… Example’ It’s been ousted via whistleblowers as much a 5.8million was paid to a single school board member to push mask and shots. So lets assume they on average got at least 1million.
How will a 60k a year school board member explain to the exchange center teller the sudden extra million in cash or in an account? Selling Avon, collecting cans?
- do this same reasoning across the board? Again new asset backed currency ends them forever… lov you all!