Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall on Monday made the unprecedented move of granting a “stay of execution” for General Chance Saltzman, who was scheduled to hang at Camp Blaz at 10:00 a.m. yesterday morning, a JAG source told Real Raw News.
As reported previously, the Office of Military Commissions and JAG found Saltzman guilty of treason and aiding and abetting the enemy, and a three-officer panel decreed he received the maximum punishment—death.
At 8:00 a.m., Saltzman, having just eaten what would have been his final meal, received word he would not hang from a rope that day.
Admiral Crandall, our source said, had not disseminated his justification for the stay of execution, nor had he said whether it was permanent or a postponement.
“It’s certainly a first. The gallows was ready, and a few officials had flown in to witness the execution. But Adm. Crandall must’ve had a reason to call it off. The day before, Sunday afternoon, Saltzman did speak to JAG investigators, which is unusual because once a verdict is given, there aren’t any more interviews or interrogations,” our source said.
- spent approximately three hours speaking with investigators, he added.
“The interview wouldn’t happen without the admiral’s approval. I’m just speculating here, but, you know, Saltzman must’ve said something to earn a reprieve. Right now, the only people who know what he said are the investigators and Adm. Crandall. Normally he likes to get these executions over with ASAP,” our source said.
Real Raw News will share additional info once we receive it.
At 9:00 p.m. Central Time, Real Raw News will have its inaugural radio broadcast tomorrow evening. It will be a listener call-in show. To avoid going off the rails, the shows will be topic oriented. Tomorrow evening’s topic is “What opened your eyes?” I will share my story, and you can share yours. I will post a listening link and call-in number to our Twitter and Telegram feeds a few hours prior.