New David Wilcock: Two Epic Events Happened! Prophetic Dreams Come True
New David Wilcock: Two Epic Events Happened! Prophetic Dreams Come True
On Tuesday 6/25, we did an emergency show featuring prophetic dreams and ‘comms’ indicating a 48-hour window for huge changes to occur. On Thursday 6/27, two EPIC events occurred — both completely fulfilling the prophecies David had discussed! These are not minor events, but fantastic, game-changing transformations of the “Big Game” as we now know it.
Join David as we discuss the fulfillment of these exciting prophecies — and what it means for our future. You won’t want to miss this one. The correlations are utterly unambiguous — at least for “those with eyes to see.” We have also made tremendous progress on the funding front. On Friday we signed and notarized the final documents and affidavits necessary to process our loan. We are now expecting to close by Monday or Tuesday! This is an epic moment in David’s life. Both the personal and global prophecies of success are being fulfilled!