Time Stamps:
02:50 this was the final week of Supreme Court Sessions. It is illegal now to discriminate against Whites
14:40 now it is the time for Russia to finish this once and for all, woke west can go to hell
-https://t.me/BestNewsHere16:10 Wagner received $6 billion and that was circulated here in Washington, the idea was to use these money (already delivered to Wagner) to mushroom the Anti-Putin movement across Russia, these money will never come back to USA. There was great expectation Wagner and Dissatisfied Oligarchs will overthrow Putin. Wagner was never against Putin, Putin was playing the game. Wagner is a puppet of Putin. The deal was cut to take the money from Washington and find out who would go along with the idea of Putin overthrow. Anybody who might betray Putin has been exposed and that was the actual mission. They are being liquidated now, along with their close ones.