There have been wars and rumors of wars but Jim Willie of explains to David Nino Rodriguez why he doesn’t see the US launching into another war:
“We cannot go to a wider war because we do not have superior weapons. We have a generation of military weapon procurement fraud.
“The big beneficiaries are the lobbyists, the law firms and the senators for the kickbacks and it’s somewhere around 35-45 cents pre dollar that actually goes to weapons development. The rest goes to the payola and the bullsh*t, bribery, pay-offs, etc.
-“I have a direct story from three years ago, I’ll never forget it: ‘Jim, I used to work for Raytheon. We had an $80 million deal to upgrade some communication devices and systems and by the time everybody got his hands on it; the lobbyists, the law firms, the senators, out of the $80 million, they only had $28 million, so they had to cancel the project. Everybody took their cut and nothing got done. Money was not returned.’
“F-35. NATO does not want it. Doesn’t work, OK? We don’t have superior weapons!”