Hello, my name is David Baumblatt, I am a military veteran, Former FBI Agent who has been under an unconstitutional investigation by the corrupt FBI. I am considered a National Security Threat who is no longer welcome to return to the USA, the last time I visited the USA, I was detained, searched, interrogated, spied on, deceived, and physically assaulted by the U.S. Government. I have brought formal allegations against the FBI, Inspector General of the DOJ, and I have written every single congressman and senator, however they have all ignored me, to include the American Media. I have recently published a book about this affair entitled Patriots Betrayed, A Soldier, Scholar, Spy’s warning about America’s Leadership Crisis.
-https://t.me/BestNewsHereAmerica is headed for Collapse and Civil War due to our abandonment of FAITH, FAMILY, and FREEDOM. I have recently begun producing social media content, however my very first video on YouTube has been censored, so now I am using Rumble. I am trying to get my message to the Patriotic Media, and I appreciate your support. The below video is my story.