Bombshell Report! Official Gov’t Docs Prove Brigitte Macron Is a Male Pedophile – Media Blackout  - best news here

Bombshell Report! Official Gov’t Docs Prove Brigitte Macron Is a Male Pedophile – Media Blackout 

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A strange thing happens to journalists and fact checkers who set out to debunk the claim that Emmanuel Macron’s wife Brigitte was actually born male.

These journalists think it’s a ridiculous conspiracy theory that will be easy to dismiss and debunk.

Then they quickly realize that they were wrong. Very wrong.

Just as there is a mountain of evidence in the US that Barack Obama’s wife Michelle is actually a man named Michael Robinson, there is even more evidence in France that the president is married to a man who seduced him when he was a 14-year-old boy, before transitioning to life as a woman, and operating as the future president’s handler.


If that sounds far-fetched and ridiculous, well… that’s what the journalists and fact checkers thought too before they became firm believers that Brigitte Macron, the First Lady of France, is a transgender pedophile who lived as a man for 30 years and is now hiding in plain sight.

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